


It is a tool for creative deepening in the field of body expression and communication.
The methodology used in RV has a holistic vision of the human being, including the relational with oneself, with other beings, with the world and the universe.
Through attentive and sensitive listening to the body, forgotten strata that persist in our unconscious are released, rehabilitated, and integrated, thus allowing access to non-mental “information” that predisposes us to accept and fit the vital flow, unanchoring old schemes to be able to receive the new.
In a broad sense, VR has to do with adaptability to change and our ability to integrate it.
Music will be used that evokes, invokes and causes movements that link us to the most organic, reestablishing the connection with the essential.

More information:

"Una danza para el alma"

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Acerca de...
  • InsideDance is a tool
  • for creative deepening and
  • n the field of expression and body communication.
A quién va dirigido
  • Professionals from different disciplines, as well as Psychologists, Pedagogues, Educators and Yoga and Gestalt teachers. As well as people who want a change in their personal and professional approach

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