

ID InsideDance®

1st Module 16-17 November
2nd Module 14-15 December
3rd Module 15-16 February
4th Module 22 - 23 March
5th Module 26 - 27 April
6th Module 24 - 25 May

(Dates Subject to possible changes)
Tel: Adriana Alcibar  633 258 233




Adriana Mabel Alcibar Gallego

InsideDance© Trainer

Teacher, specialty of Early Childhood Education. University of Murcia.
Training of Mediators for educational institutions. Higher Institute of Psychological Research (Argentina).
Integrative proposal for initial level. Kindergarten. Higher Institute of Psychological Research (Argentina).
Preventive action in early childhood education. University of the Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina). ReiKi Usui Shiki Ryoho. Training Cycle in Family Constellations. Akashic Records. Metamorphic massage. Sound & Trance Training. Sound Trance Institute.
Chakras Harmonization Therapy. Vibrational therapy of Sounds sonotherapy

I bring you something of my history... and thus, we get to know each other a little more...

My name is Adriana,
I was born in Tandil on July 27, 1977, Argentina. From a very young age I began a journey of personal growth, discovering for the first time an invisible world full of magic.

I joined the University to begin the career of Teaching Staff and Bachelor's Degree in Initial Education.
Regarding my work-professional experience in the field of education, I worked as a monitor, coordinator and teacher. My dream was to found a non-formal education school and this became a reality, thus creating “Posada de los Niños”, a place where children learned by playing.
At the age of 26, I traveled to Spain to continue and finish my studies in Early Childhood Education at the University of Murcia. In addition, to take courses such as Waldorf Pedagogy.

In Spain, I continued reaping dreams; among them, being an educator of one of the first alternative schools in Murcia in Waldorf Pedagogy and Co-founder of the Cucurumillo Free Education Space. Also, I carried out my own project of Encuentros de Padres y Madres. Each educational space where I work led me to investigate my creative capacity, to connect and respect the freedom of exploration of the human being. On one occasion they told me... When you work, you are like a flute through whose heart the whisper of the hours becomes music... And what is it to work with love? It is weaving a cloth with threads drawn from your heart, as if your loved one were going to dress in that cloth... and that is what it is all about... loving what we do from the depths of our being.
As I harvested dreams in the area of education, I was trained in different therapies such as Reiki, Akashic Records, Family Constellations, Chakra Harmonization, Sound Therapy and SoundTrance.

In 2015 I started with the InsideDance Training, and there I undertook a journey to the center of my being, a self-discovery journey of my body and all my creative potential. InsideDance gave me the power to feel that my heart is that little drum that marks my Vital rhythm, that each of those beats is a yes to life, that connects me with the pleasure and joy of dancing in infinite ecstasy. InsideDance was and is for me that door that opens wide where I feel how the vital flow dances through my entire being.InsideDance. In 2017 I took a turn in my life, leaving the world of education and starting to work in the field of individual therapies.
Today I continue training and committing myself and my work...

The road was not easy... many times I have fallen very deep, I could say that, in those falls, symbolic deaths occurred. Now you can understand why...
Today, it is a point of reference to understand that everything that Life gives is an immense gift, and that yes, I can create that fluid and joyful dance with life...

The heart of man is a musical instrument, it contains great music. Asleep, but it is there, waiting for the appropriate moment to be interpreted, expressed, sung, danced. And it is through love that the moment arrives.

Vivi López Llinares

InsideDance© Trainer

Reiki Master.
Therapist at Manos para Sanar, Synergetic School in Valencia and Alicante.
Bach flower therapist.
Certified in Sound & Trance training.

Yoga teacher since 2011, DHYANA school (Murcia), endorsed by Yoga Alliance International.
Trained in Therapeutic Yoga school PRANAMANAS 2012-2014, with specific modules on: psychoneuroimmunology, health of the circulatory system, health of the neruo-muscular system and health of the endocrine system.
Study of the Yoga Sutras, therapeutic Yoga and Ayurveda, according to the Desikachar tradition. (Pranamanas School: Víctor Morera, Grazia Suffriti and Kaustubha Desikachar) Reiki Master.
Therapist at Manos para Sanar, Synergetic School in Valencia and Alicante.
Bach flower therapist.
Certified in Sound & Trance training.

InsideDance facilitator since 2012, fascinated by this tool that has allowed me from the free movement of the body, to access my mind, my emotions, and with the help of the fantastic music that has been going through my body, opening new communication spaces. with me and with the world.

"Una danza para el alma"

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Acerca de...
  • InsideDance is a tool
  • for creative deepening and
  • n the field of expression and body communication.
A quién va dirigido
  • Professionals from different disciplines, as well as Psychologists, Pedagogues, Educators and Yoga and Gestalt teachers. As well as people who want a change in their personal and professional approach

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